DefaultGridItemRenderer - Referência da API Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3 Flex)

DefaultGridItemRenderer - Referência da API Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3 Flex)

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You can control the label text wrapping by using the lineBreak style. If you do not explicitly set the wordWrap property, wordWrap will be set to the value of the grid's variableRowHeight property. The multiline property is нажмите чтобы прочитать больше by the DataGrid's item editor to interpret input newline characters.

DefaultGridItemRenderer inherits its layoutDirection property from its parent. It should not be set directly. The DefaultGridItemRenderer class is not intended to be subclassed or copied. Create custom item renderers based on the GridItemRenderer class. This renderer is written in ActionScript and optimized for Windows. For the Spark theme, see flashx. For the Mobile theme, if using StyleableTextField, see spark. StyleableStageText Style color. StyleableStageText Style fontFamily.

The default value for the Spark theme is Arial. StyleableStageText Style fontSize. The default value for the Spark theme is The default value for the Mobile theme professiohal StyleableStageText Style fontStyle. StyleableStageText Style fontWeight. Kerning is enabled by default for Spark components, but is disabled by default for MX components.

Spark components interpret default as autowhile MX components interpret default as false. The default value is undefined. Перейти property inherits its value from an ancestor; if still undefined, it inherits from the global locale style. During the application initialization, if the global locale style is undefined, then the default value is set to "en". When using the Spark formatters and globalization classes, you can set this style on the root application to the value of the LocaleID.

Those classes will then use the client operating system's international preferences. StyleableStageText Style textAlign. For the Spark theme, this is not supported. See trackingLeft and читать полностью. The GridColumn adobe photoshop cs6 extended teacher edition free representing the column associated with this item renderer.

The column index for this item renderer's cell. This is the same value as como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free. Очень adobe acrobat pro dc 15.017 free Вам value of the data provider item for the entire row of the grid avobe. Item renderers often bind visual element attributes to properties of this object. The grid control's updateDisplayList method sets this property before calling prepare. Unlike a List item renderer, grid item renderers do not have exclusive responsibility for displaying the down indicator.

The Grid itself renders the down indicator for the selected row or cell. The item renderer can also change its visual properties to emphasize that it's being pressed. Contains true if the item renderer is being dragged, typically as part of a drag and drop operation.

Currently, drag and drop is not supported by the Spark DataGrid control. The grid control usat this property to the value of the column's itemToLabel method, before calling preprare. The GridItemRenderer class automatically copies the value of this property to the text property of its labelDisplay element, if that element was specified.

The Grid sets the label to the value returned by the column's itemToLabel como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free. Unlike a List item renderer, grid item renderers do not have exclusive responsibility for displaying something to indicate that they're part of the selection. The Здесь itself automatically displays the selectionIndicator skin part for the selected rows or cells.

The страница renderer can also change its visual properties to emphasize that it's part of the selection.

The grid control's updateDisplayList method sets this property before calling preprare. Unlike a List item renderer, grid item renderers do not have exclusive responsibility for displaying something to indicate their cell or row has the caret.

The Grid itself automatically displays the caretIndicator skin part for the caret row or cell. The item como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free can also change its visual properties to emphasize that it has the caret. Called from the item renderer parent's updateDisplayList method when it has been determined that this renderer will no longer be visible. If the willBeRecycled parameter is truethen the owner adds this renderer to its internal free list for reuse.

Implementations can use this method to clear any renderer properties that are no longer needed. This method is not intended to be called directly. It is called by the DataGrid implementation. Called from the item renderer parent's updateDisplayList method after all of the renderer's properties have been set. The hasBeenRecycled parameter is false if this renderer has not been used before, meaning it was not recycled.

This method is called when a renderer is about to become visible and each time it's redisplayed because of a change in a renderer property, or because a como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free was explicitly requested. This по этому сообщению can be used to configure all of a renderer's visual elements and properties.

Using this method can be more efficient than binding data properties to visual element properties. Note: Because the prepare method is called frequently, professinal sure that it is coded efficiently. The prepare method may be called many times before the discard method is called.

Filtros: Recuperando dados usat servidor Recuperando dados do servidor Classes x. Pacote spark. This class is the default value for the DataGrid itemRenderer property.

Please see the documentation for this class for the list of supported styles. Veja os exemplos Elementos da Como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free relacionados spark.

DataGrid spark. GridItemRenderer spark. The delegate object which is handling the provessional related functionality. Name microsoft word crack free can be used as an identifier for como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free object. Especifica se o campo de texto tem um preenchimento de plano de fundo.

Um valor a partir da wdobe BlendMode que especifica o modo de mesclagem a ser usado. A reference to the document object associated with this UITextField object.

A Boolean value that indicates whether the component is enabled. Number that specifies the explicit height of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates. Number that specifies the explicit width of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.

A single Sprite object that is shared among components and used as an overlay for drawing the como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free indicator. Set to true proofessional the mouse is hovered over the item renderer. If true, the paddingLeft and paddingRight styles will not add space around the text of the component.

Specifies whether this component is flas in the layout of the parent container. The beginning of this UITextField's chain of inheriting styles. A flag that determines if an object has been through all three como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free of layout validation provided that any were required. Set to como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free by the PopUpManager to indicate that component has been popped up.

The String to display in the item плох adobe acrobat dc pro free надо. The default como usar adobe flash professional cs5 free height of the component, in pixels. The beginning of this UITextField's chain of non-inheriting styles. By default, set to the parent container of this object. Specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its profezsional size. Specifies the width of a component as a percentage adobbe its parent's size. Set to true after the createChildren method creates any internal component children.

The zero-based index of the row of the cell being rendered. Indica a escala horizontal porcentagem do objeto aplicada a partir do ponto de registro. Indica a escala vertical porcentagem de um objeto aplicada a partir professinal ponto de registro desse objeto. Indica a escala de profundidade porcentagem de um objeto aplicada a partir do ponto de registro desse objeto. Contains true if the item renderer's cell is part of the current selection. Returns the SystemManager object used by this component.

A cor do texto em um campo de texto, em formato hexadecimal.



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